The top plate started out around .150" thick, more than 1/8", which is much too thick. This is the part that must be vibrated by the action of the strings, creating the air movement inside the guitar that we hear as sound. No movement, no sound. I want it between .110 and .120. I want to balance structural integrity with movement. The structural ideal would be a top plate that would be stiff and strong. It would last forever--but would have little volume and the tone would suck. Great tone and volume would require a thin piece of wood, the thinner the better, but such a top would explode under string tension. So a delicate balance is required. There is no perfect figure, because each piece of wood is different. Two pieces from the same tree could vary widely. One piece would be very stiff, whereas another of the same thickness would be extremely flexible.
Sitka spruce is very popular for guitars because it is both strong and light, allowing it to be thinner than other species while maintaining strength. Other popular top woods, like cedar, are softer and so have to be left thicker to be structurally sound.
Using a plane, I start thinning the top, checking it frequently with a thickness gauge.
There's nothing more pleasurable to use than a sharp plane. You know it's going right when you get all these fluffy plane shavings.
Before sanding down to final thickness I need to rout the channels for the rosette and then install the rosette. This is the decorative piece that goes around the soundhole. I plan to use a three-part rosette. The main rosette will be some paua (pronounced "pow-wah) abalone (short "a" followed by "baloney") shell strips which will be sandwiched between two thin pieces of purfling composed of thin lines of maple-ebony-maple. Inside and outside of this main rosette will be thin circles of black-white-black purfling. You'll see what I mean in a second.
I have a a plywood workboard into which is drilled a 3/16" hole. A metal pin goes into that hole, which is part of a circle-cutting jig to which my Dremel tool (essentially a small hand-held router) is attached. I lay out where on the top the soundhole will be located, then drill another 3/16" hole at the soundhole center.
Since the abalone shell is preshaped into a fixed diameter I have to locate everything off the inside and outside diameter of the shell. In the following picture the circle is the inside diameter of the shell. Then on the center line I have marked the top of the soundhole, and the inside and outside diameters of the two B/W/B purflings and the shell sandwich.
The maple blends into the spruce so that it appear that there are two thin black lines surrounding the Teflon.
I put wax paper over all this, a plywood scrap on that for even pressure, and a three cam-clamps to make sure everything stays seated. I let this dry overnight.
The next day I pull the Teflon out to see how the shell fits--and it fits perfectly. (I'm saying this so often that it's getting scary.) I use some white glue (most of us know it as Elmer's Glue) because it drys clear, and fit the three pieces of shell into the channels.
The next morning I use a cabinet scraper to scrape everything flush with the surface of the top, followed by some sandpaper to get everything smooth.
Here's the finished product:
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