The finish is an acrylic urethane, very tough and durable--and expensive, but Mike swears by it. It's good stuff, no doubt. Nonetheless, Mike and his guys are used to spraying on metal, so they were alarmed when the first two coats resulted in a lot of little pin-dot depressions--fisheye, they're called. But this apparently is natural when spraying wood, as it is absorbent, even after being sealed. So the normal procedure is to spray 3 coats, let dry overnight, then sand level (which removes a lot of what was applied) and repeat. It usually takes three such sessions to achieve a good, level build that is ready for buffing, and this was no different.
So I ran into Mike at Panera at lunch and he told me it was ready, so after work I ran up to Thurmont and got it. Here's what it looks like--and trust me, the pictures don't do it justice.
Finally, it was done.
It is a beauty!